Saturday, September 19, 2009

The first refuge of Keely Emerine-Mix

It is often said, for good reason, that charging one's opponent with racism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. The first refuge of Keely Emerine-Mix when confronted with something she does not approve of is the appellation of a label that will identify it as appropriately dangerous: Warning, this person's soul is contaminated with plutonium, live ebola viruses and VX gas, and he wants to spew them all over you. I guess that's just Mrs. Mix's way of doing her good deed for the day.

This post ascribing opposition to Obama to "racism" is a typical case. Something like 1.7 million people marched on Washington D.C. to protest Obama's policies -- nobody knows the exact number but it was a huge, record-breaking crowd -- and she points to a few random anecdotal incidents as proof positive that the whole thing is powered by racism.

Come on. Six months ago, Obama's approval rating was 70 percent. Currently it is pushing below 50 percent. Does Mrs. Mix think this is because tens of millions of Americans suddenly discovered Obama is black?

You can almost see the flecks of foam forming on her lips as she declares, when the fringe Right decides to call in the troops and go on the rampage, only the foolish would accept that love of country and concern for policy is what leads them to ugly rhetoric, vicious slander, and the insouciant carrying of weapons while reminding each other that bloodshed is a necessary part of revolution -- not just dissent, but revolution.

How about that? The "fringe" Right decides to "call in the troops" and 1.7 million show up just in Washington D.C. That's some "fringe"! And rampaging? Sorry, I missed that part. What, did they torch cars all over the country like "youths" in France or something? Oh, and what was that "only the foolish" part? Oh yes -- "Only the foolish would acknowledge that these people could be motivated by noble motives. After all, their souls are contaminated with plutonium, live ebola viruses and VX gas, and they want to spew them all over you."

Remember that guy insouciantly carrying a weapon? He was black.

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