Sunday, September 20, 2009

A hearty AMEN

There is something seriously wrong with America's judiciary when Scalia and Thomas can take the position they did in this case. Mrs. Mix and I are in essential agreement in this area . . . except I would like to add that the solution to problems like this is to give the word of God final say in all lawmaking and jurisprudence. Mrs. Mix comes close to admitting as much when she says, "Well, the Constitution may not forbid it -- a pretty dubious point in itself -- but the Word of God does." Precisely. And when our nation humbly acknowledges the Lordship of the Triune God and the ultimate authority of His Law-Word, He will shine His face upon us once again.

And by the way, just in case there is any doubt to the contrary, although it would be wonderful to have Supreme Court justices who did not say things like ". . . my faith and my religious beliefs do not play a role in judging -- when it comes to judging, I look to the law books and always have; I don't look to the Bible or any other religious source" (John Roberts, in his confirmation hearings), the way to arrive at the point where our nation acknowledges the Lordship of the Triune God and the ultimate authority of His Law-Word is not to focus on appointing conservative Christian judges who will try to force such a perspective down the throats of a majority of Americans who are hostile to such a view. (Such an approach would likely result in a humiliation at least as bad as this, if not worse.) Rather, the core of our approach must be to see that the word of God is preached in all its fullness from the pulpits of our churches, worship God in purity, and live concomitantly from Monday through Saturday with what we say, hear and do in church on Sunday. That is the approach that will transform the culture and restore righteous judgment to our courts.

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